29 avril 2012

ANNONCE: Rencontre avec Monika Bobako

Dans le cadre d’une rencontre organisée par le CM2S, la chercheuse polonaise Monika Bobako interviendra le 03 mai 2012 à 15h à la Faculté des Lettres & des Sciences Humaines de Ain Chock (salle de conférence du CM2S) autour de ses recherches sur les relations entre le féminisme occidental et la religion.
The aim of the seminar will be to discuss difficult relations between Western feminism and religion and to show that these relations are taking a new form in the contemporary context of growing Islamophobia in the West. Traditionally, feminism as an offspring of the Enlightenment thought has been associated with a secular project of human emancipation that was highly critical of religiously sanctioned gender hierarchies. However, for the last few years the growing number of the mainstream Western feminists have been calling for rethinking feminism’s attitude towards religion. Their main argument is that nowadays radical secularist discourse (that claims to be a discourse of emancipation, democracy and human rights) is often used as a vehicle of anti-immigrant, Islamophobic and racist politics. Famous Western feminist like Judith Butler or Rosi Braidotti point out that this politics instrumentalizes women’s rights and sexual minorities’ rights in order to legitimize discrimination of Muslim minorities in Europe as well as military interventions in a Muslim world. As they do not accept it they are looking for new ways of understanding of women’s empowerment and agency that will include a sphere of religious experience and identity. However, their post-secular position is often contrasted with other feminist positions that remain strongly secularist and Islamophobic. During the seminar we will draw a map of different feminist positions toward religion in general and Islam in particular and will discuss various attempts at reconciling religious identities with the idea of women’s empowerment and agency (including the phenomenon of Islamic feminism).